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Side Effects of IBP

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© 2025 Tox Safety | All Rights Reserved | DMCA Protected


The purpose of this document is to give some clarification on common symptoms that are misinterpreted by the sufferers of IBP, the medical community and injectors. The information contained here-in is from the Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau, and Daxxify black box warnings, and anecdotal evidence that has been witnessed in the support groups by sufferers. We are not medical professionals, but manage thousands of sufferers in our online forum. 


IBP and why we get panic attacks, anxiety, depression and other related issues.


When we are systematically poisoned, the toxin is transported via the nervous system and crosses over the blood brain barrier entering the brain. Once in the brain it may interfere with and may block/destroy certain neurotransmitters, specifically acetylcholine which the toxin is designed to target. Other neurotransmitters/receptors such as serotonin, glutamine and GABA may also be affected. This in turn starts a stress response in the body which primarily affects our HPA (Hypothalamus/Pituitary/Adrenal) axis.


These constant feelings of fight/flight or freeze cause us to go into a cycle of panic and high anxiety which may be interspersed with feelings of exhaustion and low mood which will affect the ability to sleep or function properly during the day. Often people feel tired and wired and eventually land up totally exhausted. It is very important to support the adrenals during this phase of the illness. Many people with IBP find themselves in this state for weeks and sometimes even 6 months to over a year after injections when for many this will calm down and the system goes back to how it was before poisoning. It’s very scary for people who have never experienced any anxiety or depression before injections and suddenly find themselves in this state. A small minority of people may take longer to recover.


The result of this dysregulation also seems to cause a type of PTSD for some people where the person becomes extremely anxious during relapses as they feel like they are re-experiencing feelings that they had when they were at their worst. This sets off another cycle of anxiety often coupled with feelings of fear and hopelessness. It is not surprising that people feel like this as this is a very scary state to experience and often medical professionals appear to have very little understanding as to what is going on and may prescribe medications that do not combine well with systemic poisoning. The good news is that this state is typically NOT permanent and many may heal from this and return to the state you were in before you were poisoned.


As well as physiological stress, there is also emotional distress attached to being poisoned. Our recommendation is to find an understanding talk therapist who can help support you during this difficult time. Sometimes just being able to manage your feelings will help you feel more in control of what is happening inside your body.


TO NOTE: Mood disorders like anxiety and panic attacks tend to be a warning sign that toxin is crossing the blood brain barrier and things are about to go really south. Those who have these early warnings, often may have a more intense response to the botulinum toxin within the next dose or two. Other warning signs are sudden onset of autoimmune conditions, thyroid or hormone issues including sudden menopause in young women. We believe these things happen as a result of small amounts of toxin LEAKING across the blood brain barrier.


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It is important to note also that MCAS/Histamine Intolerance is commonly triggered by IBP Iatrogenic Botulism Poisoning and may be responsible for many of the symptoms associated with this condition. MCAS for some continues to worsen without treatment, long after the initial IBP symptoms have subsided.




As far as we know the only true test that can directly identify Iatrogenic Botulism Poisoning is a mouse assay test.  Dr. Hristova indicates that often when IBP is the culprit, tests will come back negative for other things that seem to mimic it.  The lack of answers is in fact the answer itself.  



Abstract from the Dr. Hristova case study.




MOUSE ASSAY TEST- The one true test for Iatrogenic Botulism Poisoning.  We believe that this should be requested for every suspected case of IBP as it allows for proper treatment going forward.  Without it patients are often refused proper and sometimes life saving medications and treatments.




  • The tissue test for small-fiber peripheral neuropathy is one way to show that you have toxin spread. Small fiber neuropathy is nerve damage (loss of nerves) and since you have had a nerve poison, you sometimes see that the nerves are damaged. A tissue sample can show toxin has spread to areas far away from the injection site.

  • Dr. Anna Hristova’s research articles on findings of peripheral small-fiber neuropathy



Vega – Test.


These are performed by naturopath type doctors. They are not recognized by many Western doctors but botulism does show up on these tests.


SFEMG (Single-fiber electromyography) (This test can cause a relapse due to the electrical activity.)


  • SFEMG can measure the electrical activity of individual fibers in the muscle, whereas the EMG test measures the entire muscle at once. This may show toxin has spread to areas far away from injection site.

  • Study that shows the efficacy of this test to identify damage due to IBP.









Other medical tests can be done to rule out the possibility of autoimmune diseases, but often members do many tests only to see that everything looks normal. ANA, ESR and Antibody tests will determine a host of autoimmune issues and other specific tests may also be done. We know that what is happening to you is not normal, but botulism and low acetylcholine levels may mimic many autoimmune disorders. It is important to test however because, sometimes botulism does trigger these diseases.


Along with whatever your doctor recommends we recommend getting tested for vitamin and mineral levels, especially copper. We see many members with vitamin deficiencies due to the low acetylcholine levels in their gut, body, and brain.


  • In order to properly test copper, you may need a blood, ceruloplasmin and urine test. Please discuss with your doctor the importance of adequately testing your copper levels.


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Not all supplements will be right for or tolerated by everyone. It’s important that the person’s health history is taken into account prior to starting any healing protocol. We have found that some people are so reactive as a result of botulinum toxin poisoning, that they are unable to tolerate anything. This may be due to an intense imbalance of their cholinergic system, damage to receptors, nerves and neurotransmitter function.


For further information on medications/supplements please refer to our IBP Recovery Manual. Please note: this is only available to current Botox Dysport Side Effects forum members. 


MEDICATIONS & SUPPLEMENTS TO AVOID –  (DrugBank checker shows over 491 interactions with botulinum toxins.)


Certain medications and supplements may cause the toxin to spread or things to become much worse. We have seen members become wheelchair bound and paralyzed by improper treatment. Also be aware that anything that stimulates the nervous system may cause internal shaking and tremors. We recommend that people familiarize themselves with the DrugBank checker and to always check any new medications or supplements prescribed by a doctor  for interactions with botulinum toxin.




  • ZINC - It potentiates the effects of botulism. Most people tolerate zinc in their foods; however, oysters are extremely high in zinc. Check your makeup, lotions, toothpaste, foods and supplements. Be aware that temporary dental fillings can contain zinc oxide. This has caused severe issues in some members. Be sure that you notify your dentist that you cannot tolerate this. This may not be permanent, but zinc supplements & foods should be avoided as they may cause issues.

  • ANTICHOLINERGIC MEDICATIONS of any kind, including Benadryl & Hydroxyzine. The black box warning label specifically outlines this risk.

  • HARSH DETOX- The body is in a fragile state and detoxes may cause toxin spread (due to cell openers) or adrenal issues. 

  • MASSAGE - Do not massage the injection areas or any area that seems to have spread of toxin. This may cause further spread. This has happened months after injections.

  • CHIROPRACTIC, ACUPUNCTURE as these may cause toxin spread.


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  • Electrical stimulation/vibration/surgery and any type of treatment that disturbs the skin - this may cause toxin spread.

  • EXOSOMES therapy- This may cause extreme cytokine storms and make you much sicker. We have had a member become wheelchair bound due to these.

  • IV vitamins, IV GLUTATHIONE - Remember injection of anything is far different from ingestion. Our members have not tolerated IV vitamins, minerals, and other chemicals.

  • TRS, CHLORELLA, ALA Alpha Lipoic Acid- Anything used for heavy metal detox, may be concerning for those struggling with IBP. Detoxing metals may be a very taxing process on the body and you need to be well enough to tolerate it, especially the adrenals. ALA may be a very strong chelator and shouldn't be included in a supplement if you have any heavy metal toxicity. If you have amalgams in your mouth and are chelating, you may want to consider being further out in your IBP journey before addressing this. Chelating at the same time as IBP may cause heavy metal redistribution and extreme IBP symptoms.

  • Please be aware that detox mediums  such as TRS, IV Glutathione, Zeolite, Cliniptilolite, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Lumbrikinase, Chlorella, Cilantro, Biocidin, Monolauren and others have caused extreme worsening of symptoms in some of our members; sometimes requiring immediate medical attention. We are not sure whether any of these mediums may promote further toxin spread but we recommend that our members who are experiencing symptoms of toxin spread keep well away from these. These can stir up trouble and have caused many to experience intense relapses. If you do use a cell opener, please do it with medical assistance and make sure to have the proper protocol to deal with what will come out of the cells.

  • FLUOROQUINOLONE antibiotics, Tetracycline antibiotics and any that are cell openers as they are known to cause relapses.

  • From the BBW - “Aminoglycosides and Other Agents Interfering with Neuromuscular Transmission Co-administration of BOTOX and aminoglycosides or other agents interfering with neuromuscular transmission (e.g., curare-like compounds) should only be performed with caution as the effect of the toxin may be potentiated.”

  • VACCINES - Flu, Tetanus and possibly other vaccinations. These have shown to cause severe reactions in Dr. Hristova’s study.

  • CONTRAST MEDIA- Many have severe reactions to this and MRI contrast has its own black box warning label.

  • BOTULINUM PRODUCTS of any kind.

  • BEE VENOM CREAM is not advised.

  • SSRI medications and serotonergic supplements such as Tryptophan, 5HTP and Melatonin. Dr. Hristova’s study indicates that SSRI’s may cause IBP to be 1,000 times worse.

  • CAFFEINE AND OTHER STIMULANTS- These are really hard on the adrenals and may cause severe insomnia and exacerbate symptoms. Even chocolate may cause issues for some (it is high in histamine).

  • BENZODIAZEPINES– Members are prone to protracted withdrawals even from occasional or short-term use. In addition, these are contraindicated in the DrugBank with Botulinum toxins.

  • interactions - The risk or severity of adverse effects may be increased when Botulinum toxin type A is combined with 1,2-Benzodiazepine.

  • TUBERCULOSIS test – These have caused horrible relapses. Please be aware.




These are things to watch out for as some people will tolerate them or they may be things that you need to do, but could potentially be problematic.


  • DENTAL procedures - Some have had this cause trigeminal neuralgia. This may be an issue for those with histamine issues. You may need to ask for no epinephrine if you are having MCAS/histamine issues.

  • ANESTHESIA- This is an issue for people with IBP, as most anesthetics are anticholinergic. We recommend that you weigh the pros and cons of the procedure carefully during active symptoms of IBP. Be sure to ask your doctor for the least anticholinergic anesthetic possible. Anesthetics may also pose an issue for those with histamine or MCAS issues as they may be histamine liberators.

  • MEDICAL TESTS – Provoked urine heavy metal tests.

  • PRESCRIPTION medication may have severe reactions for members.

  • HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES- Many contain poisons like arsenic that may cause serious side effects for us.

  • MELATONIN, TRYPTOPHAN, DHEA, PREGNENALONE- These may act as strong hormones that may trigger harsh reactions for those with IBP

  • MAGNESIUM, D, B Vitamins, omega’s- These vitamins while needed may cause some members serious side effects. Try everything in small doses to start.


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Almost everyone that experiences IBP may have some level of adrenal distress. It is important to manage this condition as many members may find themselves unable to sleep, nap or even properly rest and function through the day. If any of these symptoms exist, consider adrenal support.


  • Adrenal Insufficiency or Fatigue - may be dehydrated, confused, or losing weight, weak, tired, or dizzy, and have low blood pressure

  • Other symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

  • Mild to extreme fatigue

  • High or low cortisol 

  • Light headed

  • Sudden fainting feelings 

  • Weakness

  • Sleep issues




Low acetylcholine has been shown to contribute to conditions related to arthritis. Studies have shown the botulinum injections into the masseter muscle may also lead to bone melting/loss. See studies in the FB forum file section.


  • Arthritis 

  • Bone loss 

  • Bone pain

  • Loss of cartilage 




The autonomic nervous system is composed of parts of both the central and peripheral nervous systems. It helps coordinate various bodily functions, such as blood flow, breathing, sweating, and digesting food. When something goes wrong with this system, it's referred to as autonomic dysfunction. Dysautonomia is common with this group and listed in the black box warning label as a potential adverse event.


  • Allodynia; painful skin - pain occurs with a mild change of temperature on the skin. Like a cold sheet, clothes, breeze, touch and water

  • Blocked feeling in ears – this may be due to nerve damage in the ear

  • Chronic itching - itching on arms, head and back

  • Chronic dehydration

  • Electric shocks - zaps in the brain and other areas

  • Facial pain

  • Flooding - sound or any sensory stimulation

  • Formication - feelings of something crawling under the skin

  • Hyperesthesia - Hyperesthesia; increase in the sensitivity of any of your senses, such as sight, sound, touch, and smell, can affect just one or all of the senses

  • Internal shaking

  • Loss of coordination in writing, walking, movements – Parkinson’s or MS symptoms

  • Memory loss

  • Migraine

  • Nerve pain - extreme to mild

  • Numbness in hands and feet - pins & needle sensations

  • Pain in teeth – feeling the nerves in the teeth, teeth feel weak and it can be hard to chew

  • Photophobia - sensitivity to light

  • Raynaud’s – white numb fingertips, especially with cold

  • Sharp glass pain

  • Small Fiber Neuropathy

  • Speech – glitchy, struggles to say known words, dysarthria/ataxic, hyperkinetic, hypokinetic

  • Seizures

  • Tight feeling around the head – vice like pressure and pain

  • Tinnitus - loud ringing in ears

  • Trigeminal nerve issues- pain in the face from the nerve carrying signals from the face to the brain

  • Vertigo – spinning or feeling off,  this may be histamine or migraine related


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Acetylcholine (ACh) is a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator. This means it works by sending signals between nerves. It's made up of acetic acid and choline and is a part of the cholinergic system. ACh is most well-known for supporting cognitive function, especially memory and attention. It also effects the coordination, speech, movement, sleep etc. Botulinum toxin blocks the action of acetylcholine which can damage neurotransmitters and the ability to release needed acetylcholine, and may cause these symptoms.

  • ADD, ADHD symptoms

  • Brain fog - inability to think and process

  • Brain hypoxia – deprived of oxygen

  • Dementia – memory loss

  • Inability to complete tasks, follow or make a list

  • Inability to organize

  • Lost skills; writing, spelling, speech

  • Traumatic brain injury – flooding, as if a stroke or concussion has happened, but the cause is poisoning from the neurotoxin, botulinum toxin A

  • May cause - no filter with emotions; crying, confusion, overwhelm, panic, lights, sound, movement, groups of people, emotions can trigger a rush of overwhelming feelings.




This may be MCAS/histamine related. It can also indicate nerve damage due to toxin spread in the area.


  • Deteriorating teeth

  • Teeth feeling loose & moving

  • Nerve pain in teeth




Some members have actual paralysis of the bowels or gut, however many experience symptoms of low acetylcholine which may cause sluggish digestion, bowels and symptoms of low acid. Taking appropriate gut and bowel support may aid in healing. Bowel paralysis may be an emergency and needs to be addressed. Supplementing to boost acetylcholine may be helpful to return peristalsis.


  • Appetite loss

  • Diarrhea

  • Leaky Gut

  • Loss of urge or sensation to evacuate

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Paralyzed bowel

  • Severe constipation

  • SIBO

  • Swelling in gut - looks like SIBO, (but might not be,) may be due to low acetylcholine and the gut may simply need support like digestive enzymes, low histamine probiotics and ginger

  • Stomach pain, bloating




Often symptoms of low acetylcholine mimic a bladder infection. It is important to understand that IC is often a result of this and it is usually not an infection. Supplementing to boost acetylcholine may be helpful to return peristalsis.


  • Bladder infection – Black Box Warning & studies show increased infections after Botox

  • Dysuria - Pain in urinating

  • Frequency of urination day or night – Noctoria, (which is night time urination)

  • Heightened urgency to urinate

  • IC - interstitial cystitis

  • Infrequent voiding, (not urinating often)

  • Loss of sensation /urge to void bladder

  • Urinary incontinence - inability to hold urine during the day or night

  • Urinary retention – inability to go or trouble controlling flow


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HISTAMINE DYSFUNCTION – MCAS Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance.


This is an immune system malfunction and these symptoms may be best treated by following a low histamine diet, low histamine probiotic, DAO supplement, Quercetin, H1 & H2 blockers and other vitamins & stabilizers.


  • Anaphylaxis

  • Anxiety

  • Blood Pressure spikes high or low (POTS)

  • Bradycardia

  • Diarrhea

  • Heart Palpitations

  • Hot or cold sweats

  • Intolerant of driving, vibrations.

  • Mood instability

  • Rashes

  • Sensitivity to many medications, supplements, foods, chemicals, vibrations, hormone changes and stress

  • Swelling in the body & weight instability - gain or loss

  • Tachycardia

  • Tinnitus

  • Vertigo




Many members end up with erratic painful periods or going into menopause entirely. Many women with IBP find their symptoms become much worse at certain times in their cycles. It would be prudent to have hormone levels checked with a blood test. A comprehensive test may include Oestrogen Progesterone DHEA and Testosterone levels. Testosterone levels can also be affected in men.


  • Acne

  • Chronic dehydration

  • Extremely dry flaky skin

  • Hair loss

  • Hormone imbalances; PMS, menopause

  • Painful periods – this may be caused by MCAS as estrogen increases histamine in the body, (see the MCAS section)

  • Sagging skin

  • Sjogren’s syndrome - Dry mouth, burning, nerve damage

  • Sleep issues - such as early waking and insomnia and general poor sleep




It is common for immune disorders to be triggered by IBP. One very common in the group is MCAS/Histamine Intolerance. It is very important to identify and manage MCAS as many members will continue to worsen over time and not get better.


  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Blood disorders -


  1. Polycythemia - the hematocrit (the volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood) is elevated

  2.  Anemia - low hematocrit

  3. Hypoxia – not enough oxygen in the cells, similar to high altitude sickness​


  • Fevers - Low grade (usually,) these may continue over a year

  • Flu like symptoms – this is often called the Botox flu and is not uncommon after injections; fever, achy, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - possibly a cytokine storm

  • MCAS - mast cell activation syndrome

  • Mouth ulcers

  • Swollen glands

  • Triggering of dormant viruses, and new infections such as; EBV, CMV, Lyme etc.


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Toxin may leak or migrate across the blood brain barrier and damage neurotransmitters and neurons which trigger anxiety, panic attacks and other mood disorders. Mood receptors are also affected by low acetylcholine and gut dysfunction, so it is important to manage these areas if they are struggling. The challenge is that SSRIs are known to block DAO which may be problematic for those with MCAS. Dr Hristova said SSRIs make IBP 1,000 times worse. Also, Benzodiazepines are contraindicated with IBP and often cause extreme distress, and may worsen symptoms.


  • Confusion

  • Depression

  • Depersonalization – Feeling completely disconnected from others and your surroundings.

  • General anxiety

  • Irritability

  • Inability to regulate mood- Mood swings, depression, anxiety, panic attacks

  • Loss of emotion

  • Panic attacks

  • PTSD

  • Suicidal ideation & Intent




Muscle dysfunction is very common with IBP. This may be due to low acetylcholine levels in the entire body due to botulinum toxin blocking the release of acetylcholine in critical areas of the body. It may also be due to the direct action of toxin spread to a specific area.


  • Asthenia - hoarseness and or weak voice/ damaged nerves

  • Burning in mouth

  • Choking

  • Drooping eyes

  • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome - newly triggered or worsened

  • Facial, body and eye twitches

  • Fibromyalgia – muscle pain

  • Involuntary frown response

  • Inability to stand upright properly – brain can’t tell if the spine is straight

  • Inability to swallow properly – (pills getting stuck, choking on anything or nothing, raspy, weak voice)

  • Involuntary body spasms, seizures

  • Muscle atrophy - in face, jaw, neck, shoulders, legs

  • Muscle rigidity

  • Muscle spasms

  • Muscle weakness

  • Neck Instability – feeling like you can’t hold your head up.

  • Neck pain and stiffness

  • Ptosis - hooded eyelids or eyebrows

  • Temporary or permanent muscle paralysis – including areas far away from the injection site




This body system may be greatly impacted by the paralysis, weakness and also many of these symptoms are may also be triggered secondarily by MCAS histamine issues. It is important to determine the causation due to the danger of anaphylaxis and paralysis.


  • Air Hunger - breathing issues such as forgetting to breathe or waking up gasping, needing to take deep breaths

  • Angina - chest pain

  • Bradycardia - a resting heart rate of fewer than 60 beats per minute (BPM) qualifies as bradycardia

  • Diaphragm paralysis or weakness- inability to breath into the diaphragm, or can’t take a deep breath

  • Dyspnea - Shortness of breath

  • Heart palpitations and irregular rhythms

  • Heart attack – less common

  • Intense neck and jaw stiffness and/or pain and clenching 

  • Stroke

  • Tachycardia - heart beat more than 100 times per minute




Many members are too ill to consider sexual activity, however it is important to understand that low acetylcholine levels may impact this. There may also be spread of toxin/nerve damage to these areas.


  • Loss of coordination & ability to perform

  • Loss of libido

  • Loss of sensation/nerve damage, inability to orgasm

  • Vulvodynia


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Many members report a diagnosis of underactive thyroid function with IBP. A full thyroid panel including TSH T3 and T4 should be included in testing. Hashimoto (autoimmune thyroid disease) is also sometimes diagnosed after IBP. A thyroid antibodies test may reveal this. It’s important to note that natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) may be too stimulating for those with IBP and sometimes the synthetic T4 only medication (Levothyroxine) is more suitable until they are more healed.


  • Constipation

  • Coarse hair or hair loss

  • Deeper and/or hoarse voice

  • Depression

  • Dry, rough skin

  • Eye and face swelling

  • Fatigue

  • Intolerance to cold

  • Irregular or heavy menstrual periods

  • Muscle aches and cramps

  • Memory loss

  • Poor appetite

  • Slowed thinking and mental activity

  • Weakness

  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight




The botulinum toxin may leak down onto the nerve which can cause damage to the eyes. This damage may be permanent. The eyes seem to be one of the hardest areas to heal.


  • Blurred vision

  • Dry burning eyes

  • Double vision – See 6th nerve palsy

  • Horner’s syndrome - Horner's syndrome is a rare condition characterized by miosis (constriction of the pupil,) ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid,) and anhidrosis (absence of sweating of the face) - may be caused by damage to the sympathetic nerves of the face.

  • Shooting pain through eyes

  • 3rd nerve palsy - a third nerve palsy commonly presents with the eye in an abducted and depressed position ("down and out") this may be due to damaged nerves.

  • 6th nerve palsy - sixth nerve palsy occurs when the sixth cranial nerve is damaged or doesn't work right, this may cause problems with eye movement, (the affected eye may not be able to move away from the midline normally)

  • 6th cranial nerve only - has problems, may cause double vision.

  • Presbyopia – inability to focus eyes when changing distance

  • Pupil dilation – sometimes one eye will stay dilated

  • Vision loss


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People with these conditions MAY NOT be a candidate for botulinum toxins, nor should they continue treatments if these are triggered by the botulinum toxin.



  • Addison’s

  • Adrenal Fatigue

  • Anemia

  • Anxiety

  • Cardiac symptoms

  • Central Nervous System failures- brain not giving proper signals to hands, legs etc.

  • Dementia

  • Depression

  • Ehlers Danlos syndromes

  • Grave’s Disease

  • Guillain Barré syndrome

  • Hypothyroid

  • Hyperthyroid

  • Hashimoto’s

  • INCS

  • Interstitial Cystitis

  • Lupus

  • MCAS and other histamine conditions

  • MS

  • Meniere’s

  • Menopause

  • Myasthenia Gravis

  • Panic Attacks

  • Parkinson’s

  • Polycythemia

  • PTSD

  • Raynaud's

  • Retro viruses triggered, (EBV, CMV, etc.)

  • Lyme Disease other bacterial or co-infections

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Sjogren’s syndrome

  • Traumatic Brain Injury – flooding, memory loss, inability to handle stress, overwhelmed




Botulinum Toxin is unsafe for the following people. (as per the BBW)


  • Cardiovascular issues

  • Neuromuscular disorders

  • Swallowing/breathing issues

  • Site infection/site inflammation

  • Pre-existing ptosis

  • *Any* muscle atrophy

  • Pre-existing dry eye

  • *Any* contraindicated drug use

  • Urinary incontinence/UTI’s

  • <18 years of age

  • Allergic to product ingredients

  • Reactions to *any* botulinum products in the past

  • Have a bleeding disorder

  • Have forehead muscle weakness

  • Plan to or have had facial surgery

  • Experienced changes to the face

  • Pregnant or plan to conceive

  • Breastfeeding


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  • Taking muscle relaxants

  • Taking sleep medicine

  • Taking allergy or cold medicine

  • Taking aspirin products

  • Taking blood thinners

  • Recently received IV antibiotics


MEDICAL DISCLAIMER - WE ARE NOT DOCTORS OR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. No one commenting or posting on this page should be considered as such. No advice contained here is intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or ailment. Please read and fully understand potential adverse effects before using any supplements or medications. These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not written by a medical professional. They are intended to broaden understanding of Iatrogenic Botulism Poisoning and help you better work with your doctor. Please consult your doctor before using any supplements or medications, especially if you have any medical conditions.

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